- Written by Robert McCaffrey Editorial Director, Global Gypsum
Have you ever found yourself sitting out under the stars, gazing up and wondering ‘What is life?’? Well, Paul Nurse, a Nobel Prize winner, has thought about it pretty deeply, and has written a book called just that. I thought it might be useful to report back on his conclusions.
- Written by David Perilli Web Editor, Global Gypsum
A fun aspect of any holiday time is subjecting helpless relatives to one’s personal worldviews. Pick the right family member, drone on long enough about your latest hobby horse... and you just might never see them again! However, this can backfire if you come face-to-face with a conspiracy theorist. One minute you are using the cutlery to demonstrate the Overton Window; the next you are playing ‘spot the lizard’ from a line-up of ‘deep-state actors.’
- Written by Peter Edwards Editor, Global Gypsum Magazine
One of the presentations I saw at a recent industry event was on a rare topic: A technological trial that had not succeeded. After the presentation, a delegate mentioned to me that their company had been considering the same approach and would now reconsider. They were grateful to the presenter for saving them considerable time, money and stress.
- Written by Robert McCaffrey Editorial Director, Global Gypsum Magazine
A while back, a well-off acquaintance of mine suggested that I read a book called ‘Die with zero,’ by an American former energy trader called Bill Perkins. It’s an intriguing title, so I read it and I’m reporting back to you on it, since it has some interesting suggestions. According to Perkins, his advice applies to everyone, rich or poor, so read on!
- Written by Peter Edwards Editor, Global Gypsum Magazine
I recently received, in my change, the first coin I had seen with King Charles III on it. More than a year on from his accession to the British Throne, this is still a novelty, albeit unsurprising, given that there are only 9.5 million Charles III coins in circulation. You need to keep a look out to spot them among the 29 billion coins showing the late Queen Elizabeth II.