New Zealand: Fletcher Building says it will stop using retroactive quantity-based rebates after it learned that the Commerce Commission had started an investigation into the practice in November 2022. The owner of Winstone Wallboards defended the use of such rebates and said they were common in the sector. However, it added that it was showing ‘leadership’ and had considered the commission’s preference that it not use quantity rewarding rebates. It will instead switch to a flat pricing model based on volume.
The Commerce Commission published its final report look at general residential building supplies following the release of a draft in August 2022. It set up nine recommendations to improve competition and supply of such products generally. Two main factors it identified as making it difficult for competing products to be introduced and expand in the market were the building regulatory system and quantity-forcing rebates paid by established suppliers to merchants. It noted that, under certain conditions, these types of rebate could reinforce the way the existing regulatory system was making it harder for new or competing products to access the market.